My unfinished entry for Ludum Dare 46 (Theme: "Keep it alive")

My original idea (a dungeon-crawler/tower defense game) failed to come together, so "Plan B" was to make a game where fans inside a stadium have to keep a beach ball in the air. That didn't work out either. Among other reasons, I spent too long trying to make a pseudo-3D effect where the ball appears to go up toward the the top-down camera (along the non-existent Z-axis, since it is a 2D game).

This is "Plan C": a reduced form of the stadium idea that is essentially an unfinished/buggy Pong-like beach volleyball simulator (not quite a game). Nonetheless, this project was a good learning experience for me, being new to game jams and all of these development tools.


  • Select player: left-click
  • Movement: WASD or arrow keys


  • Engine: Godot
  • Code: GDScript
  • Art: Aseprite
  • Music: cgMusic, LMMS
  • Sounds: BFXR

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